

マジックキーキッズアカデミーでは『21世紀を生き抜く力』ということで、 子ども達には英語学習だけでなくいろいろなことを体験してほしいと考えています。

そこで今回、代表のご友人に協力をしていただき、 「車や移動手段の未来について考えるイベント」を企画・開催。マジックキーの生徒様にもテスラに試乗していただき、 試乗を終えた後、目を輝かせて感想を聞かせてくださいました。





Kota’s speech

I attended the Magic Key event in May, a great opportunity to learn more about Tesla and its products and services. The event was about test-driving a Tesla and thinking about future mobility. I was impressed by two things when riding in a Tesla for the first time. 

First, the acceleration power to reach over 100 km/h in just 4 seconds. I was amazed that such a performance could be obtained for 5 million yen. Second, the sophisticated design and unique features. I was impressed by the unique and interesting features. After all, Elon Musk is amazing. 

I was allowed to sit in the passenger seat. Mr. Iwaki, the instructor, was in the driver’s seat and taught me about Tesla. I was exhilarated to experience the smooth but powerful ride of driving around Tokyo in the Tesla. All the other participants were equally excited about Tesla’s innovation. This experience allowed me to experience Tesla’s capabilities and excited me for future advancements in the automotive industry.

My father is now in the United States. He said that there are many cyber trucks running in the U.S., which are not seen in Japan yet. My father sent me a picture. I am going to visit him during the summer vacation and I am looking forward to seeing cyber trucks on the streets.

It was a wonderful event that nurtured my curiosity. Magic Key is a fun school not only for learning English but also for such wonderful events.